

* フィヒテ短篇集「トゥルクへの旅立ち」:---他

現代ドイツ作家フーベルト・フィヒテ短篇集「トュルクへの旅立ち」:Hubert Fichte: The Journey to the Turks:--->

Hubert Fichte, a modern German author, is known for his intriguing and thought-provoking works. ---   Among them is the short story collection "The Journey to the Turks," which delves into the complexities of identity, culture, and the human experience.  --- Fichte's narrative style is both captivating and unique, often blurring the lines between reality and fiction.  ---

Fichte's work is not just a mere collection of stories; it's a journey through various landscapes of emotion and intellect.   --- 

His characters are often caught in the midst of personal and societal upheavals, reflecting the turbulent times in which they live.   ---Through his vivid storytelling, Fichte invites readers to explore the depths of their own perceptions and prejudices.   --- "The Journey to the Turks" stands as a testament to Fichte's literary prowess and his ability to weave tales that resonate with the core of our being.***  >>


1. *Die Palette" :「地下酒場パレッテ」: -

This novel is a vivid portrayal of the bohemian life in post-war Germany, offering a glimpse into the artistic and underground scenes of the 1960s.

2. *Versuch über die Pubertät" (Attempt about the Puberty)** - A compelling narrative that explores the themes of sexuality and identity through the lens of adolescence.

3. *Das Waisenhaus" (The Orphanage)孤児院** - In this work, Fichte examines the concept of belonging and the search for identity in a post-war society.   ---   Exploring the Literary Landscape of Hubert Fichte:

Hubert Fichte is a name that resonates with depth and diversity in the realm of German literature. ---   His works are a rich tapestry of personal experience, ethnological research, and literary experimentation.---    For those who have delved into "The Orphanage" and are eager to explore more of Fichte's oeuvre, there is a wealth of material to discover.   ---  One of Fichte's notable works is "Die Palette" (The Palette),地下酒場パレッテ published in 1968.   ---   This novel is a vivid portrayal of the bohemian subculture in post-war Hamburg, offering a raw and unfiltered glimpse into the lives of artists, writers, and outcasts of the time.   ---    It's a compelling read that captures the spirit of an era and the quest for identity and expression.>>>