

      * 美食家ルクルスと詩人ルクレティウス:---->>


かたや 古代の味覚を知る ルクルス、
かたや 哲学を詠む ルクレティウス
二人の魂が交わるは 美食と詩





二つの世界が融合すれば 新たな創造が生まれる、>>>⑴

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*美食家ルクルスと詩人ルクレティウス、二人の古代ローマを代表する人物が、今なお、想像力を刺激するのは何故か。  --ルクルスは、その贅沢な食事で知られルクレティウスは、自然界と人間の本質を探求した詩で名を馳せる。。>>>

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ルクルスの食卓は、まるで 舞台のよう、

感動が生まれる >>--






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The relationship between the gourmet Lucullus and the poet Lucretius is a fascinating reflection of the cultural milieu of ancient Rome.

Lucullus, known for his luxurious lifestyle and love for fine dining, was a prominent figure in Rome's political and military history.

His contributions to Rome's culinary heritage are still celebrated today, with the term "Lucullan" synonymous with opulence in dining.

Lucretius, on the other hand, was a philosopher and poet who penned the didactic work "De Rerum Natura" (On the Nature of Things), which expounds the Epicurean philosophy. エピキュリアン的哲学.   -- This philosophy advocated for a life of pleasure, but of the mind and spirit rather than the senses, which is often misunderstood as mere hedonism.・・・

While there is no direct evidence of a personal relationship between Lucullus and Lucretius, their lives represent the juxtaposition of indulgence in physical pleasures and the pursuit of intellectual and spiritual fulfillment.                     食の愉しみと 知的、精神的な充実感と.--->>

Lucullus' banquets were legendary, where the conversation was as rich as the food served, and it's not hard to imagine that the ideas of a philosopher like Lucretius might have been a topic of discussion at such gatherings.・・>>

The legacy of Lucullus in gastronomy and Lucretius in literature and philosophy highlights the Roman appreciation for both the finer things in life and the life of the mind. >>

Lucullus was renowned for his extravagant feasts, which were not only a display of wealth but also a reflection of his passion for quality and innovation in food.

Lucullus took great care in selecting the finest ingredients for his meals.   --He raised birds and cattle and grew vegetables, fruits, and cheeses in his own estates, ensuring that every dish served at his table was of the highest quality. 

The attention to detail extended beyond the ingredients to the ambiance of the dining experience, including room decorations, music, poetry, and the selection of guests to match the sophistication of the meals.>>--

One famous anecdote illustrates the extent of Lucullus' dedication to fine dining:  ---when informed that he would be dining alone, Lucullus reprimanded his servants for preparing a simple meal, insisting that even in solitude, he should dine as though he were at a Lucullan feast.>>>

Lucullus' feasts were more than just meals;  ---they were cultural events that celebrated the art of living well, combining the pleasures of the table with the richness of intellectual conversation and the appreciation of fine arts.

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