
*A-.+ :アヤックスの盾に絡みつく蛇: ゲーテ「ファウスト」第二部 + 

       * 8909- 9126  :

    ・   この箇所はフォルキアスの台詞、「薄曇りの朝、輝き まばゆき真昼の太陽よ!.」以下、第三幕その1の最後までの場面である。

   フォルキアス :  見てのとおり アヤックスの盾には 絡(から)みつく蛇が描かれ 

テーベを攻めた7人の勇士たちも その盾に意味深い図柄をつけておった。夜空に輝く月や星も 女神も 英雄もあった。

  ・9035 ~:

また ゲルマンの勇士たちも 先祖代々 そうした紋章をつけ、獅子や鷲 鳥獣の爪や嘴   水牛の角も 鳥の羽も 孔雀の尾も 薔薇もあった。・


*アヤックス  Ajaxアキレスに次ぐ英雄。 カサンドラを誘拐した。

・7人の勇士: テーベ Theben古代  ギリシア・ベオティーエンの首都を攻めた

   *ハンザー版ゲーテ全集、18-1. Letzte Jahre 1827-1832.

Kommentar,Faust Ⅱ・3 Akt・S.922-S.1023.を参照。

Aus ; GOETHE SAMTLICHE WERKE 18-1     Letzte Jahre 1827-1832  HANSER VERLAG 

      Munchner Ausgabe   S.922-1023. 

***    >>>


アヤックスの盾に絡みつく蛇は、古の戦いを見守る 守護者:
鋼のように固く、しかし  動きは しなやかに
彼の勇気と共に、永遠に 生き続け 鱗は光を反射し 輝く星のよう
盾の上で 時を超え 物語を紡ぐ -- 蛇は知っている、戦士の心の内:

沈黙の中で、彼の秘密を守り続ける >>


アヤックスの力強い腕に 抱かれ  蛇は   不屈の意志を 象徴する
敵を 威嚇し、味方を 鼓舞する 
盾と蛇は 共に 不死の誓いを 立てる >> --


戦場を駆ける アヤックスの影に  蛇は 静かに 寄り添い
盾は ただ一つの 真実を語る :

     勝利への道は、勇者の心にのみ 宿りしを・・>

     ***    )))

 アヤックスの盾に絡みつく蛇:   --ギリシャ神話の英雄 アヤックスの強さと勇気

  盾に絡みつく蛇は、強さと決意の象徴:  --蛇がアヤックスと共に永遠に生き続けることを表現。 ---     勇者の心の内を知り、秘密を守り続ける蛇の姿、勝利への道が 勇者の心に宿ることを伝えている。。。


                *   The Tale of Ajax

The story of Ajax, a figure steeped in the annals of Greek mythology, is one of valor, strength, and unwavering courage.

Ajax, known as Ajax the Great, was a warrior of immense prowess, second only to Achilles in terms of might during the Trojan War. トロヤ戦争でアキレスに次ぐ英雄アヤックス

His tale is one of heroism, marked by his participation in the epic battles described in Homer's Iliad. ホメロスの「イリアッド」

Ajax was the son of Telamon, the king of Salamis, and his presence on the battlefield was akin to a bulwark against the Trojans.    ---He was known for his towering stature and his large shield, which was said to be as impenetrable as a fortress wall.

This shield, often depicted with a serpent motif, symbolized his protective nature and his ability to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.

One of the most notable episodes involving Ajax is the fight over Achilles' armor.   After Achilles' death, his armor was to be awarded to the bravest Greek warrior.  Ajax and Odysseus both laid claim to it, and after a series of challenges, Odysseus was deemed the winner.

Unable to bear the dishonor, Ajax fell into a state of deep despair and ultimately took his own life.   --Ajax's legacy is a testament to the virtues of strength and courage in the face of overwhelming odds.   --His story has been retold through generations, serving as an inspiration for those who seek to embody the spirit of a true warrior.   --- It is a narrative that not only captures the essence of ancient Greek heroism but also imparts timeless lessons on the nature of honor and the consequences of pride.

In exploring the depths of Ajax's character, we find a complex hero—a man of great physical power yet also capable of profound emotion and vulnerability.   ---His journey through the Trojan War and its aftermath is a poignant reminder of the human condition amidst the backdrop of divine machinations and the chaos of battle.

His story, while ancient, speaks to the universal themes that continue to shape our narratives and our ideals to this day.   ---Whether on the pages of the Iliad or in the echoes of history, Ajax stands as a symbol of the warrior's path and the virtues that define it.    ---・Reflecting on the Tragic Heroism of Ajax: A Famous Quote

In the realm of Greek tragedy, the character of Ajax is a poignant embodiment of the classical hero's fall from grace.    ---Sophocles' play "Ajax" offers a profound exploration of the themes of pride, honor, and the human condition.      ---One of the most famous quotes attributed to Ajax in this play captures the essence of his tragic story:

"Nought else are we but mere phantoms, all we that live, mere fleeting shadows."

This quote is a somber reflection on the ephemeral nature of life and the futility of human endeavors against the backdrop of divine will and the inexorable passage of time.